Updates on School Re-openings and Catchment Changes
Last updated: April 17, 2024
Catchment Changes & Course Selection Letter to Parents - Feb 1, 2024
AP305 - School Boundaries and Student Transfer Requests
Important Dates:
February 6 - Parent engagement night for students currently in Grades 7,8 & 9. Meet in NKSS gym at 6:30
February 7 & 8 - NKSS counselors visit Brock’s grade 7's to complete course selection for grade 8 at NKSS
February 14 - NKSS counselors visit Brock’s grade 8's & 9's to complete course selection for grade 10 & 11 at NKSS
February 15 - Brock’s VP visits NKSS grade 10's to complete course selection for grade 11 at Brock
February 21 & 22 - Grade 10's & 11's s going to NorKam in September complete course selection in the cafeteria
This webpage will be updated with information that may impact your family related to school re-openings and catchment changes taking place in 2024. At the Public Board Meeting on June 19, 2023, the School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Board of Education passed the following motions impacting the future configuration and catchment areas of elementary schools:
Motion 1: To reconfigure the current grades in the following schools:
- Brocklehurst Middle School becomes a grade 8-12 school in September 2024.
- NorKam Senior Secondary School becomes a grade 8-12 school in September 2024.
- AE Perry, Arthur Hatton, Bert Edwards, Kay Bingham, Parkcrest and Rayleigh each become grade K-7 schools in September 2024.
Motion 2: To re-open George Hilliard as a grade K-7 school in September 2024.
Motion 3: To engage in a catchment change for the following schools in September 2024:
- Brocklehurst Middle School (Grades 8-12)
- NorKam Senior Secondary School (Grades 8-12)
- AE Perry (K-7)
- Arthur Hatton (K-7)
- Bert Edwards (K-7)
- Kay Bingham (K-7)
- Parkcrest (K-7)
- Rayleigh (K-7)
What you need to know
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